What is Transform-Ed?
A training symposium that brings together educators with expert trainers, thought leaders and industry players both large and small to learn, share and network on the future of education in Europe.
This event is being organized by the European Commision Representation in Malta, and will debut in May 2023 as part of the European Year of Skills. Register your interest below or on the email comm-rep-mt@ec.europa.eu
This event will be structured as a professional development program for educators, and is eligible for attendance via Erasmus+ Mobility funding for educators in accredited institutions. A preliminary program of the symposium and a list of expert trainers and workshops is available on this website. Educators wishing to attend using mobility funding are kindly requested to check eligibility with their national authorities.

Thematic Area 2023: Games and AI in Education

Games can be an important tool in education. The use of digital and non-digital games can be a powerful way to provide a more dynamic and engaging learning experience.
AI as a tool and disruptor in Education has been prophesized for many years, but with the release of ChatGPT many educators are now realizing how imminent and fundamental this disruption can be. Explore with us the implications, both ethical and practical of AI in education.
Learn about best practices, and network with thought leaders and industry players dedicated to providing innovative experiences to students around the world through games and/or AI in all their forms. Discuss and learn about the opportunities and challenges that these technologies and approaches can bring to your classroom.
Expert Speakers and Trainers

Charmaine Attard

Francois Lionet
Head or Research and Development - AOZ Studio

Prof. Dr. Katja Eilerts
Professor of Mathematics Education in Primary Schools at the Humboldt University in Berlin

Prof. Nikolaos Fachantidis
Associate Professor at the University of Macedonia

Dr. Symeon Retalis
Professor of Learning Design Models for Technology-Enhanced Lifelong Learning Environments at the University of Piraeus & co-founder and chief scientific officer at Kinems Inc

Iro Voulgari PhD
Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta

Mark Azzopardi
Assistant Head of School

Natalie Denk
Head of the Center for Applied Game Studies at the University for Continuing Education Krems

Simon Wimmer
Center for Applied Game Studies at the University for Continuing Education Krems

Rasmus Sandström
CEO - Gameplan

Boas Bäckström

Bryan Dickens

Dr Vanessa Camilleri
University of Malta

Prof. Matthew Montebello
University of Malta - Head of Department of AI
Dates, Location and Cost
Transform-Ed will take place from May 8 – 10, in Valletta, Malta. The event will take place in a number of venues, with the focus point being the magnificent premises of the Casino Maltese, in the heart of the historic capital.
The conference will be free of charge, for both attendees and exhibitors.
Kindly note that exhibitors will be carefully curated to ensure that they adhere to the thematic areas chosen for the event.